Memory PLT

Our Memory Production Logging Tool (MPLT) provides a complete solution for acquiring, recording, and processing surface and downhole well production data

This easy to operate, portable logging system is offered in a 1 3/8” and 1” diameter Surface Read out (SRO) version with a memory option available for the 1 3/8” diameter tool. The high-speed instrument bus and smart sensor-based tools allow the interchange and configuration of the tool string to suit well conditions.

Excellence logging PLT advantages:

·       Pressure rating: 15 000 psi

·       Temperature rating: 177 °C

·       Sour rated

·       Memory or SRO operations

·       Up to 10 samples/sec

·       Non-Radioactive High Resolution Density

The following sensor modules are available:

* Accelerometer * Gamma Ray * Casing Collar Locator * Quartz and Sapphire Pressure * Fast Response Temperature * Fluid Dielectric (Capacitance) * Acoustic Density * Fullbore Folding Flowmeter * Caged Flowmeter * Inline Flowmeter * 4 Arm Roller Centraliser * X-Y Caliper


* Monitor well efficiency * Production diagnostics * Analysis of production profile by zone * Monitor well stimulations * Well mechanical integrity analysis * Time lapse logging * Well treatment verification