Excellence Logging is committed to the highest ethical standards of business conduct in every country where we operate.
This Code of Conduct applies to employees, contractors, consultants, temporary staff, and other workers at Excellence Logging, including all personnel affiliated with third parties. Excellence Logging, either directly or indirectly, will not solicit or maintain business through illegal conduct or practices of unfair competition. Excellence Logging is committed to protecting employees, partners, vendors and the company from illegal or damaging actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly.
As a company, Excellence Logging actively contributes to the economic development of the countries in which we operate, particularly by recruiting and training individuals from those countries. This includes tackling corruption, which inhibits economic growth. Excellence Logging also expects its contractors and suppliers to act consistently with this Code of Conduct.
All Excellence Logging employees are accountable for following this Code of Conduct, the rules of our clients and the rules of the countries where we operate.
Download Excellence Logging's Code of Conduct